Meybo Holeshot Disc Adapter

Meybo Holeshot Disc Adapter

VAT included

6-bolt disc adapter with offset for Meybo Holeshot 2022 to 2024 frames.


Please note, this adapter is not a classic 6-hole centerlock adapter.

The adapter includes a +5mm offset on the left in order to offset the 120mm 6-hole brake disc for perfect alignment of the brake disc with the Meybo Holeshot frame dropout.

Compatible for Meybo Holeshot frames with the following wheels:

  • Pulse ATTAK v2 and ATTAK v3
  • Pulse Elite v2
  • Pulse WCS and WCS v2
  • Pulse SLS

If you have Pulse Kaos V1 or v2 wheels with a Meybo Holeshot frame, you need the following model:

The adapter can also be used with other assemblies where a 6-hole brake disc needs to be offset.

68 Items

Data sheet

Aluminium 6061T6
Disc Brake Standard
ISO 6 screws

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